Running with my Sole Mate

Running with my husband is one of my most cherished aspects of our relationship.  Of course there are the shared values, life experiences, faith, love of anything peanut butter/chocolate/pretzel, life goals, baseball games, and our dog Bailey….but running is right up there with them.  And when I say running with my husband I mean theContinue reading “Running with my Sole Mate”


In mid-April 2009, I was getting ready to travel to Boston to run my first Boston Marathon.  I was 19 and a sophomore in college at Xavier University. My best friend and dorm-mate Kristen is quite the artist and she drew this cool running man cartoon with the line “iRun” written under it like iPodContinue reading “iRun”

Humble Run-ginnings

Inspired by my 27th birthday two days ago, I decided to write about how and why I started running.  Plenty of people ask me, “So how did you start?” and it makes me chuckle to tell the story, usually in an abbreviated version.  Well, now I am going to share my full story as someone whoContinue reading “Humble Run-ginnings”

The PNW Series: Olympic Track and Field Trials

This will be the first entry to kick off a series on my travels through the Pacific Northwest during the second leg of my terminal leave wandering.  I will (try) to keep them shorter and will post them every few days to capture the whole experience before I forget everything!  This post wasn’t the firstContinue reading “The PNW Series: Olympic Track and Field Trials”

Find your Beautiful, Mine is Strong

Strong is Beautiful.  I didn’t intend to steal the Pantene slogan, but the sentiment is true and something of a mantra I have adopted over time.  It epitomizes the way I have come to view and accept myself as a runner, but it took time.  Let me explain. Sometimes we, anyone who puts on aContinue reading “Find your Beautiful, Mine is Strong”

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