Why would you Eat a Smoothie with a Spoon?

That’s what I asked when I first observed the smoothie bowl craze. Why eat liquid with a spoon, and why would you want to chew on nuts and berries with freezing cold liquid in your mouth? Hello brain freeze and ouch, teeth! Then, I tried one. It was delicious. While eating it, it dawned onContinue reading “Why would you Eat a Smoothie with a Spoon?”

Savory Stuffed Peppers Recipe

I don’t have a lot of original recipes, I love to cook but I also love cookbooks.  Anything I do have that’s original probably came from my mama, and maybe I tweaked it. This stuffed peppers recipe is really her recipe too, but with my twist to it. It is delicious and is basically ThanksgivingContinue reading “Savory Stuffed Peppers Recipe”

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